


The ROTARY CLUB OF MUMBAI LAKERS which is member of Rotary International is a service organization who works with his heart to raise the lives of less fortunate, whose stated purpose is to bring together business and professional leaders in order to provide humanitarian services, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations, and help build goodwill and peace in the world. The members of The Rotary club of Mumbai Lakers are known as Lakers. Members usually meet weekly on thursday, which is a social event as well as an opportunity to organize work on their service goals. It’s primary motto is “Service above Self”. Engage Rotary, Change Lives.


The object of Rotary club of Mumbai Lakers is to encourage & foster the ideal of service and the recognition of the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupation as an opportunity to serve society. This objective is set against the “Rotary 4-way Test”, used to see if a planned action is compatible with the Rotarian spirit. The 4-Way Test considers the following questions in respect to thinking, saying or doing:

  • Is it the truth?
  • Is it fair to all concerned?
  • Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
  • Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
Motto Service above Self
Formation 2009
Type Service club
Member of Rotary International club no. 82019
District 3141
RI Zone 5
Venue Forest Club
Weekly Meet 7.30 p.m
Membership 65
Current President Neha Gupta


I can scarcely say that I WELCOME 26/11..

But in its aftermath-that left the whole world gasping and Mumbai bleeding –We were born THE LAKERS, with a cry to Be The Change That We Wanted To See..

What started in January 2008 with an urgency to Act To Make Our Life More Secure And Safe for ourselves and progeny, was soon upgraded to Serving To Make A Difference To The World We Live In..We had grown up..

Between then and now, Powaiites, nay, Mumbaiites and co-Rotarians alike, have seen The Lakers execute various projects worthy of praise, which more importantly have passed our own high standards of self-satisfaction, self-analysis and self-approval ..We were told that We had arrived..

While this sums up in very few words the journey so far, it seems like yesterday that we, some of us friends used to meet after work hours , in our homes, in the open, on hurriedly laid out chairs on the Glen Croft discuss and deliberate on the steps forward..great camaraderie, super bonding were the hallmarks even then..

We brought in our friends and went on to form the Charter of Members and submitted it to then District Governor Rtn Bansi Dhurandhar through our Papa Rtn Sunnil Mehra..His good offices and the efforts of the Charter Members, culminated in the formation of our Club, which was Chartered on ___June 2008.

My sincere thanks and appreciation go out to PP Rtn Sunnil Mehra for playing a pivotal role in our formation.

Our formative years 2008 thru 2010 had its share of twists and turns, hurrahs and harried moments..

It ended with a few good projects of social uplift and a coupla good fundraisers..My thanks to Liku and Lubaina for their sustained support throughout the period and to all Lakers.

When I handed over the reins to Rtn Shilpi Mehra end-June 2010, I rested in the comfort that the Lakers had only one way to go from there on..FASTFORWARD.

What an eventful year 2010-11 has been! Great projects, super camaraderie amongst members, herculean fundraisers..My congratulations to Rtns Shilpi and Sunnil.

In Rtn Vivek Kele the Lakers have found Mr Right as President for 2011-12. He exudes confidence and in him we see the Club scaling new heights in Service. My best wishes to Viv and on behalf of all Lakers I extend our full support to him and the incoming Board of Directors.

Rtns Manoj Wanwari and Ravi Jaswani, Presidential candidates for the following two years are guys whose enthusiastic and committed ways we have seen on so many occasions. I wish them the very best and with them at the helm the Lakers are certain to make an even greater mark in the world of Rotary!

Guys, I am reminded of the words of RIP Rtn Rajendra Saboo, “ If Rotary’s meaning is ‘to give’, I am proud to belong to it! Giving is not just money. The best we can give is our time, effort, commitment, compassion and care..” I am proud to say, my friends, that we Lakers have imbibed this in our word and spirit..

On behalf of all Lakers I take this opportunity to thank and acknowledge our well-wishers, donors and supporters for their continued support to us thru our projects. I also thank the Officials of District 3140 for their continued trust and confidence in us.

I pray to the Almighty that through us Lakers He fulfils all that He has ordained.

My heart at this time cannot but go out to all those beneficiaries of the Lakers’ charities, who have blessed us with giving us an opportunity to serve them in our own belittled ways..

May God bless them!

Sri Sri Ravishankar has said, “ Happiness is..when you want nothing. All u want give. When the wanting ends and the sharing begins, happiness is exactly there.”

Lets go out with grace..and serve..

With love and best wishes to each one of you,
Rtn Parth Sejpal,
Charter President 2008-10.


The Rotary Club of Mumbai Lakers is the basic unit of Rotary activity, and each club determines its own membership. Clubs currently has 50 members who meet weekly, usually on thursday at Forest Club at 7.30 p.m, where Lakers can discuss club business and hear from guest speakers. Our club also conducts various service projects within its local community, and participates in special projects involving other clubs in the local district, and occasionally a special project in a “sister club” in another nation. our clubs also hold social events at least quarterly and in some cases more often.

Our club elects its own president and officers among its active members for a one-year term. The clubs enjoy considerable autonomy within the framework of the standard constitution and the constitution and bylaws of Rotary International. The governing body of the club is the Club Board, consisting of the club president (who serves as the Board chairman), club secretary, club treasurer, and several Club Board directors, including the immediate past president and the President Elect. The president usually appoints the directors to serve as chairs who are responsible for club service, vocational service, community service, youth service, and international service. Generally board meets once a month on first Friday of every month.

According to its constitutions (“Charters”), Rotary defines itself as a non-partisan, non-sectarian organization. It is open to business and professional leaders aged 18 and upwards, with no regard to economic status. One can contact a Rotary club to inquire about membership but can join a Rotary club only if invited; there is no provision to join without an invitation as each prospective Rotarian requires a sponsor who is an existing Rotarian. Currently club has 50 members .

We believe to give many years of our life to make this organisation bigger and better. We have to surmount difficulties and see opportunities to make the community a better place to live and to give commitment to make a positive difference. We are not driven by positions or titles but by challenges and pushed by the desire to do something uncommonly great. We look beyond ourself and reach to embrace humanity and profoundly improve lives of more people. We aim to organise multiple family activities to get the members ,their spouses and children involved in all projects and fellowships. The youthfulness of our club, our focus on community projects and our fellowships make our club attractive.

Active membership is by invitation from a current Rotarian, to professionals or businesspersons working in diverse areas of endeavour. Each club may limit up to ten percent of its membership representing each business or profession in the area it serves. The goal of the clubs is to promote service to the community they work in, as well as to the wider world. Many projects are organised for the local community by a single club, but some are organised globally.

Honorary membership is given by election of a Rotary Club to people who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals. Honorary membership is conferred only in exceptional cases. Honorary members are exempt from the payment of admission fees and dues. They have no voting privileges and are not eligible to hold any office. Mumbai Lakers Constitution and Bye Laws


We undertake service based community projects in medical and non medical fields by identifying them, assessing them, reviewing it, involve all members and execute for community benefits. We have adopted BMC schools, schools with special children (MBA FOundation and SEC), villages for their upgradation by providing solar electrification, tree planatation, medical and sanitation facility, building low cost houses for poor etc …..we work in association with many NGO’S and help them in their projects too. We conduct seminars for awareness of drugs (DEFY), conduct blood donation drive and eye camps, health check ups on regular basis. We sponsor mid day meals and organise collection drives of old clothes, toys and utensils (JOY of GIVING).

The Polio Plus programme is the most ambitious programme in Rotary’s history. The initiative is an aggressive public-private partnership to assist Health Agencies and Governments in eradicating polio from the community. Rotarians have mobilized huge funds to ensure that children are immunized against this crippling disease and that surveillance is strong despite the poor infrastructure, extreme poverty and civil strife of many countries. Since the PolioPlus programme’s inception in 1985 more than two billion children have received oral polio vaccine. Rotary volunteers assist in vaccine delivery, social and logistic management in cooperation with WHO, UNICEF.

The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. As the charitable arm of Rotary, we tap into a global network of Rotarians who invest their time, money, and expertise into our priorities, such as eradicating polio and promoting peace. Foundation grants empower Rotarians to approach challenges such as poverty, illiteracy, and malnutrition with sustainable solutions that leave a lasting impact. Strong financial oversight, a stellar charity rating, and a unique funding model mean that we make the very most of your contribution. Give and become a part of Rotary’s life-changing work!

In order to ensure the projects and fund raisers are rolling success , it is important for the complete board and all the Laker family to work as a coercive unit for which a lot of attractive fellowships are organised for the Laker and Laker families like River Rafting, overnight picnics, Independence Day Celebrations, Diwali and dandia parties, Christmas party, pottery for kids on Ganesha festival, our mega fund raisers are Mango Dolly nite, shoe sale, T10 cricket tournament and biggest flagship event Run Powai Run.

Rotaract -clubs are either community or university based, and they are sponsored by Rotary club. This makes them true “partners in service” and key members of the family of Rotary. Lakers have been active on the youth development activity and accordingly activated the ROTRACT club at CVC Sharma college, Powai.

INTERACTS -are Rotary service club for young people ages 12 to 18. We are planning to start Interact club which provide support and guidance, but they are self-governing and self-supporting. Interact clubs involves in community service projects, which furthers helps them in international understanding and goodwill. Through these efforts, Interactors develop a network of friendships with local and overseas clubs and learn the importance of Developing leadership skills and personal integrity, Demonstrating helpfulness and respect for others,Understanding the value of individual responsibility and hard work, Advancing international understanding and goodwill.

YOUTH EXCHANGE -our clubs most visible programs include Rotary Youth Exchange, a student exchange program for students in secondary education and to specialise in providing graduate fellowships around the world, usually in countries other than their own in order to provide international exposure and experience to the recipient. A program was established known as the Rotary peace and Conflict Resolution program which provides funds for two years of graduate study in one of eight universities around the world.

We conduct activities to felicitated teachers from special schools, teachers are introduced in BMC schools and provide specialised therapists according to the need. Vocational centres are started for computer training and life skills training to the underprivileged in our area.

In this crowded and noisy world, it is time for us to send texts, to tweet fervently and to post on Facebook , use all type of media to make the world aware of our work. Today, it’s almost criminal to work quietly. It isn’t so much about blowing your Own trumpet, but to build on our strengths to get more volunteers to pitch in , to see larger enrolment and to garner more support.
We organise and participate in events and conduct public awareness program to keep community abreast of the good work done by us and also to get the public and corporates involved into our service projects. for eg – POWAI PEACE WALK. RUN POWAI RUN Which is our biggest flagship annual event of the year , where there are around more than 5000 participants.
In short, THE ROTARY CLUB OF MUMBAI LAKERS is most prestigious service club which gives the opportunities to Rotarians to provide community service to both local and international communities. Join our club to have the chance to do something for somebody else and to sense the self-fulfillment that comes in the process and return of that satisfaction to one’s own life. It is richly rewarding.

Join the rotary movement for a better tomorrow